My paintings

A compilation of my paintings (700) painted mainly on week end and on vacation from 2006 to 2015 lasting 8 minutes 59 secondes for you to enjoy. This compilation encompasses many schools and movements of paintings ranging from Impressionism, fauvism, cubism, surrealism, expressionism and futurism. All images are copyrighted.

Une compilation de mes tableaux (700) peints en week end et durant mes vacances entre 2006 et 2015 qui dure 8 minutes 59 secondes pour votre plaisir. Cette compilation englobe plusieurs mouvements de la peinture allant de l’impressionnisme au futurisme en passant par le fauvisme, le cubisme, le surréalisme et l’expressionnisme. Toutes les images sont intellectuellement protégées.


About mamadoulylinkedin

Mamadou Ly BSc Hons Economics, Accounting & Finance, EMBS (Oxford), ACCA P/Q, GIFEM Group Chairman & CEO, Lybrosis Capital Group Chief Executive Officer, Lyscale Riskgrade Managing Partner of The Black Swan Partnership Chief Originator of the Global Monetary Hedge Portfolio Fund Chief Conceptor & Inventor of LR Megasystem, LCG Global Architectures, Capval, Globecross, EMH, Vestis & Delta High Engines Mamadou Ly is the driving force and the inventor behind the concept of Lyscale Riskgrade, a financial engineering firm specialised in Financial Risk Instruments that embodies breathtaking insights and innovative ways in which Global Markets are penetrated with a scientific precision. Driven by a phenomenal culture of possibilities, he epitomises massive intellect with paradigm-shifting thinking combined with a pragmatic leadership that makes things happen. He undertook private and public global investment research along investment banking, corporate financial accounting and forensic accounting as well as investment management activities for a period of 12 years to come up with this unique set of methodologies made of 13 systems and 64 platforms for the financial, debt, capital and money markets that put the Globe into a unique unified perspective. Motivated by new challenges, he executes and translates success in all endeavours and plays a leading role in implementing initiatives that directly support business goals, corporate strategy and formed opinions guiding future trends in global affairs. He is an Oxford educated graduate Economist and an accountant turned financial engineer and global investment researcher mastering computational languages and algorithmic deployments.
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